The Pedifix Forefoot Compression Sleeve reduces swelling, stabilizes osteotomies and stress fractures, speeds healing and helps prevent post-op complications. Fits comfortably in shoes. Non-irritating elastic compresses and stabilizes the affected area to speed healing and limit complications. Hand-washable, reusable material.
The Pedifix Forefoot Compression Sleeve has the following features:
- Soft elastic sleeve compresses forefoot
- Speeds healing and limits complications
- Effective post-op, after sprains, strains or stress fractures
- Fits comfortably in post-op or ordinary footwear
- Provides Grade II compression 20-30 mm Hg
Mild compression helps minimize swelling, speed healing. Soft elastic sleeve helps reduce swelling after injury or surgery to speed healing. Comfortable, easy-on, easy-off for bathing or inspection. Washable. Interchangeable for left or right foot. Simple, yet effective.
Care: Hand wash in warm, soapy water. Air dry completely before reuse.